If the voltage rises above a safe level, a surge protector helps to prevent that surge from damaging your electronics. Most power surges are so brief that they are measured in nanoseconds, but they can cause damage to electronic equipment. Plug-in surge protectors protect individual electronic devices from fluctuations in power. Whole-home surge protectors protect your entire home’s electronics from power surges. Get the surge protection you need from 247 Local Electrician!
A surge protector, also known as a surge suppressor, is a device that is made to protect electronic equipment from unwanted power surges or "spikes." It takes only a tiny amount of voltage increase to damage most of today's sensitive electronics
Surge protectors can help prevent fires if they are used properly and are in good working shape. However, if there is a faulty unit, or if it is being used improperly, surge protectors can cause electrical fires
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